Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Fantasy Football

Well since just about all of my friend's have started a blog in one form or another, I guess I'll give it a try. How many of you out there play fantasy football? Well I play, not to say I am very good at it, but it gives me a reason to watch some games I wouldn't otherwise. This also give you the opportunity to talk some Monday (or Tuesday) morning smack on your coworker who you just gave a beating too the day before. Anyway, last night was our draft, and it was interesting to say the least. It all started out fine, but then a friend (let's call him TylenHall) pointed out to me some of the interesting picks you could make if you wished. People like Jerome Bettis (correct me if I am wrong but didn't he die, oh wait he is on NBC Sunday night with Madden, which by the end of the night he may wish he was dead), Maurice Clarrett (I think that guy is in jail, maybe it is part of his work release), and probably the most interesting of all was Ricky Williams (yes the one who has been suspended yet again from NFL play). The most interesting part was my brother-in-law deciding to pick Ricky for his team. We didn't know Canadian football counted towards our league, but I guess he knew something we didn't. After I pointed it out to him he insisted that he didn't do it on purpose, but I think he may have been boozing it up a little before the draft, causing his judgement to be impaired. At least we all got a good laugh out of it. Overall the draft went pretty well and not too much smack was talked, but we will let that for when the season starts. Sept 7, the Dolphins take on the Steelers to open the season, Go Teal and Orange. I know it sounds kind bad and wimpy, but I can't be a bandwagon jumper, I've always liked the Steelers, but the Dolphins come first for me and I'm not afraid to show it.


Blogger Lindsay said...

So you can't be a bandwagon jumper for the Steelers, but you can jump on the bandwagon of bloggers? Ok, I did it too, welcome aboard!

11:48 AM


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